The family

family (lato sensu) : familye
family (household members) : domanare
parent (father or mother) : pe
mother : mape
mommy : mama
father : bape
daddy : baba
daughter / son: ide
daughter : maide
son : baide
sibling : yake
brother : bayake
sister : mayake
big brother / big sister : preyake
little brother / little-sister : posyake
big brother : bapreyake
big sister : mapreyake
little brother : baposyake
little-sister : maposyake
nephew / niece : yakide
nephew : bayakide
niece : mayakide
uncle / aunt: pyake
uncle : bapyake
aunt : mapyake
cousin : pyakide
male cousin : bapyakide
female cousine : mapyakide
grand-mother / grand-father : prepe
grand-mother : maprepe
grand-mère / grand-père maternal : premape
grand-mother / grand-father paternal : prebape
grand-père maternal  : bapremape
great-grandfather / great-grandmother : preprepe
granddaughter/grandson : poside
step-parent (spouse’s parent) : bope
step-parent (new spouse of a parent) : biunpe
mother-in-law (spouse’s mother) : mabope
stepfather (new husband of his parent) : babiunpe
daughter-in-law / son-in-law (child of another wedding) : boide
brother-in-law / sister-in-law (spouse’s sibling): boyake
brother-in-law / sister-in-law (sibling’s spouse) : biunyake